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For us, 
it's all about connecting


Who We Are

Where does Zelano come from?

Zelano is the surname of our ancestors who crossed the Atlantic Ocean from Panni, Italy to the United States in search of opportunity two generations ago. Now we are using decades of international business experience in Asia, the United States, and Latin America to help others cross borders with confidence.

What we do

We are connectors. We help talented people find meaningful ways to use their professional skills by connecting them to growing companies who need their expertise.

We help emerging businesses find the funding to see their vision become a reality. We connect investors to projects where their investment will have a positive impact and a great ROI. We connect producers with buyers in new markets to scale their business. We help multinational companies open operations in Latin America where there is a talented and enthusiastic workforce. And we develop real estate projects that have a positive impact on Latin American communities, connecting families with affordable, modern housing while employing local talent and companies.


Our why

At Zelano International, we focus on projects that have a social impact that create jobs and employment opportunities in communities where talented people find it hard to put their education and experience to work. We are tired of seeing talented people doing work below their skill level due to where they live. And we know how difficult it can be for companies to find committed, experienced workers at a price that keeps them profitable. We have seen great business ideas fail to gain traction when halted by funding needs or quality products that don't know how to reach bigger markets. Our multinational experience makes us uniquely qualified to help people and companies overcome boundaries and find opportunities in new frontiers. We love to make these connections and uplifting communities in this way.

Our Team

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